Resolution and image size


Level B

Assignment: Use interpolation to change resoluutio_kuva2 in Photoshop with Image size-tool so that size is 600*262 pixels and resolution should be suitable for putting into web-site. Save it also in gif-form. Open the original image and the image that you modified in web browser and compare the original image size to the one you made.

Objective: To understand interpolation methods and the effect of image size into the file size.


The image which you will modify is a small graphical picture. This means that when you change the settings you should use Nearest Neighbor-method. This way the edges will stay sharp. The original image size is 4,00 Kb and the size of the modified image is 8,00 Kb. Because the file size of the gif-image depends almost entirely from the colours in the picture there isn't significant difference between small and large but low color density gif-images.

The original picture


Settings in the Image Size-window







ESR   Tampereen yliopistoHAMK

Learning Object is produced by eSkills -project.
Content and technical realization: HAMK/eLearning Centre, 2006.